
Learn about knitting machines, mathscraft, felting or upcycling textiles.

Making a sample piece at Stampalofi studio
Making a sample piece at Stampalofi studio
I'm currently building a collection of workshops covering a number of different textile processes. There are classes and workshops that you can book and you can also contact me about delivering a workshop or course in your venue.

Machine Knitting
I'm teaching introductory classes at The Edinburgh Remakery in the Kirkgate Shopping Centre, Leith, Edinburgh. These are aimed at complete beginners and returners who want a bit of guided revision before starting again. We will cover setting up the machine, casting on, plain knitting and casting off. There will also be time for either making a small project or trying out a more advanced technique. Each workshop is the same but you are welcome to book more than one to get some practice and make a different project at each one. Dates and topics for more workshops are being planned a the moment. They'll get listed in the Ediburgh Remakery Workshop Calendar as soon as they become available.

If you want something less formal or if you want some practice after one of the classes above then this might be the answer. I'm working with Robert Marjoribanks of Stampalofi, an open printmaker's workshop and gallery where you can book studio space to use on a day to day basis. The space also houses four vintage knitting machines which will be available on the same basis. Unless you already have some experience, these machines can be intimidating so I'm providing an induction session to get you started. Once you've done this you should be able to come and useone of the machines on your own. Please contact Robert at Stampalofi if you're interested in following this route.

One to one sessions are also possible at my studio, Stamalofi or your studio. Please contact me to discuss what suits you best.

Other topics
Robert at Stampalofi and I are also hoping to set aside an afternoon each month for open access, drop-in textile activities. More information will be posted here and on social media when we're ready to launch.